


Pre-Competition Interview with Trainer, Jordan Worshoufsky


In anticipation for Jordan Worshoufsky’s upcoming competition, we sat down with her to speak about what it is to be a competitor in bodybuilding championships and how she has prepared for the upcoming event.

"Never Give Up!” This is what Jordan had to say about the overall preparation for this type of athletic competition. Much like other championships, the NPC New Jersey State Championships solicit a lifestyle restriction for months at a time in order to be recognized. When speaking with Jordan it was apparent that, although she had challenges in her three month preparation, she grew and learned new things about her physique and mindset when competing. Overall, Jordan believes that, “Balance is key. Competing is just a part of your life. You need to balance friends, family, and everything else.”


Competing for the second time, after placing second in her first competition, was primarily a learning experience for Jordan. She learned what her body likes and dislikes, what her energy levels were and how to amp them up, adapting her food intake to her physical needs and her own weak points and strong points. Jordan believes her weak points were, “…possibly overtraining, and overthinking throughout prep…” and her strong points were, “…enjoying the process along the way.”


Although Jordan felt as though she could “Take On The World,” emotionally throughout prepping, she admitted that the bulking phase of her prep was the hardest to deal with. With the majority of us, we are comfortable with a certain appearance whether it be a specific weight, muscle composition or body fat percentage, so bulking can take a toll on not only how you feel but how you perform. However, Jordan laughs and shows that she is not afraid of a little more muscle than usual.

In closing, Jordan and I spoke about the infamous post-competition meal that many people look forward to upon completing a competition. Simply put, Jordan is looking for, “…calories galore, and possibly some wine, and maybe some vodka.”

Written By Brandon M. Arasimowicz


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